Thursday, October 24, 2013


Well it's not technically a "two week wait", it's really about a ten day wait, but you got me. That's where we are right now, just waiting. Waiting to find out if we're pregnant.

Since my transfer, I've had a constant migraine. It's always there, but sometimes there are really sharp pains. It's so so so not fun. But I just keep telling myself that this is a new symptom and it's a good sign, I've had migraines before they come and go...they have never been so constant. So hopefully that means my body is adjusting to a condition it's never been in before.

I actually really believe that we are pregnant this time. I just feel it.

Two days ago, my husband got some incredibly bad news. The military told us where our next assignment would be this coming Spring. So many indications led us to believe we were going to a base that is within an hour of my family. BUT that is NOT where we were assigned. We will be moving to a state that I have never and will never have the slightest inclination of wanting to live...the only semi good thing about it is that it is right in the middle of my husband and I's families. The thing is, we never planned on staying in the military for the long haul and so this is helping to make the decision to try and get out even earlier easier.

The last couple of years the military has been asking for volunteers to separate, they are downsizing because of budget cuts and we hope to take advantage of that. If my husband can qualify for that then we will only have to live at our next assignment for about 5-6 months. If we don't qualify, they he will go into the reserves...either way we will not be living in that horrible state for 3-4 years. Not gonna happen. Plus, with the education my husband has he can find a job anywhere he wants in the civilian world.

Unluckily, this devastating piece of news came during the 2ww...which I've tried to just completely not think about because it automatically stresses me out and I really, really don't want to be stressed out right now. I cried for two days about it, I think it's mostly out of my system. I'm still incredibly unhappy about it because I'm stubborn and I hate it when people tell me what I have to do...force me to do things I don't want to (definition of the military). But I feel better because we both agree it's time to try and get out and with that decision came such a sense of relief.

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